Estate Protector

Will Writing and Estate planning in UK London Kent Surrey Sussex - CCS Tax Trust

Company:Estate Protector
Category:Will Writing and Estate planning
Address:1A Silkham Road
Telephone:01883 372737
Mobile:07932 172020
Email: Send me an email

Wills and Trusts

We offer free reviews on current Wills/plans, in place as it has been surprising the number of solicitor written Wills we have come across that do not protect their clients in the way that the client thought they did or should. We have cases where the client gains refunds from previous Will providers for inadequate advice and documents.

Wills for Business Owners 

In business? Did you know, your business can crumble swiftly if something sudden where to sadly happen to the owner or a director with regards to illness or death!! The surviving director/family, as well as being in shock of his/her fellow directors passing, could be in for a very nasty financial shock with regards to the onward functioning of the business.

Business Lasting Powers of Attorney

BLPA is a powerful legal document which allows a Business Owner (Donor) to appoint persons of their own choice (Attorneys), to look after their business affairs. It can be used if they no longer wish to make these decisions, or lack the capacity to manage their business affairs themselves.

Business Succession 

A Business Lasting Power of Attorney is a simple, cost-effective legal document that allows you to choose the best person to run your business. A Business Lasting Power of Attorney only comes into force when it is needed.

Our compliant estate planning solutions are tailor-made to protect every set of personal and business circumstances when you feel the need to protect your loved ones, business and employees.

Looking after you, your family, and the generations to follow

I look forward to helping you protect and secure your estate and legacy to give financial peace of mind and protection to those you love.


Our Team

Paul Sweeney
Will Writing and Estate planning
01883 372737
07932 172020