Refunds Policy

Additional or slightly different T&C's may apply at BoB Connections clubs that are run by different licence operators if applicable. 

Clubs that are 'In Formation'

The above listed companies will make Refunds against payments received for one-off registration fees for any BoB Connections club that is 'In Formation' that fails to officially launch within 9 months of the meeting that the new member attended after receiving that founding members one-off Registration fee*; only the Regional Director can decide to suspend or close that club. Refunds will be made by BACS/bank transfer.  The above listed companies may be able to offer a transfer of membership to another operational BoB Connections club within the geographic area that each licence covers; providing that club has a vacancy for that member's business category. From time to time it is possible that some clubs may fail to launch within 9 months of the first member/s signing up and paying their registration fee/s. Should the Regional Director decide that the group is not growing sufficiently enough to make it a viable proposition for the members who have already signed up, then it is the responsibility of any member who signed up between nine (9) and ten (10) months earlier to submit a claim for a repayment of the registration fee. Should a claim not be submitted between the 9th and 10th months after the date of the first meeting the new member attended as a member after their payment had been made we will assume that the member is prepared to wait until the club is officially launched. From time to time a club may lose members making operating that club unsustainable under the current format. In these circumstances that club's status will revert to a club 'In formation' and the above conditions relating to it will apply. Any outstanding membership will be added to the 12 month term upon receipt of payment of the annual membership. Refunds are subject to our Terms and conditions as can be seen under the heading of Cancellation of membership section of our T&C's

* when payment is banked

Please Note: Founder members will only be eligible for a refund of registration fees if they attend a minimum of 85% of the pre-launch meetings. The above terms apply to members not to Area Coordinators (please also see the foot of this page)

From time to time it is possible that some clubs may fail to launch within 9 months of the first member/s signing up and paying their registration fee/s. Should the Regional Director decide that the group is not growing sufficiently enough to make it a viable proposition for the members who have already signed up, then it is the responsibility of any member who signed up between nine (9) and ten (10) months earlier to submit a claim for a repayment of the registration fee. Should a claim not be submitted between the 9th and 10th months after the date of the first meeting the new member attended as a member after their payment had been made we will assume that the member is prepared to wait until the club is officially launched.

Existing 'Live' clubs

Payments received by the Regional Director/licencee for the one-off Registration fee and/or first year membership fees are none refundable without exception 

Should the decision be made to close a live club which still has a number of active members the following will apply:

The Regional Director/Licensee will endeavour to find a place at a local BoB Connections club that is either 'live' or 'In Formation' and transfer the member to that club and honour the remaining membership of that member. However, if there is less than three  months membership remaining we will ask that member to renew their membership and any remaining membership will be honoured at the end of the renewed membership term. If this is not possible a pro rata refund will be made by the Regional Director/licensee to the remaining members of that club. However, no refund of the one-off registration/administration fee will be made (less any unpaid breakfast fees or membership invoices that are unpaid). 

Any members who have attended more than 85% of the meetings in the preceeding 12 months period will receive a pro rata refund less 1/26 of the annual membership paid, for each meeting that has been missed during the preceeding 12 months period. No refund of the one-off registration/administration fee will be made. Should any member or company of the club that is being closed, also be a member or company of another BoB Connections club a credit note will be issued for the remaining membership so that it can be used at the other club that they are a member of. In the even of a vacancy existing at another local BoB Connections club the Regional Director/licensee will offer to transfer the member from the club that is closing (no fee will be charged for transferring a member from a club that is to be closed to either a 'Live' club or a club that is 'In Formation') to another club operated under licence by that Regional Director/licensee  

BoB Connections are structured so that a Leadership team made up from the club membership are collectively able to run meetings, administer and market their BoB Connections club utilising the online training and online tools that are provided by BoB Connections Head Office. This means that once a new club has been launched the Area Coordinater/Area Director/Regional Director /Country Director or Franchisee are not needed or required to attend any/all future club meetings.

Please Note: Refunds will not be made to any member who has paid the one-off registration fee and subsequently decides not to become a full member of that BoB Connections club and/or fails to pay the annual membership fee that becomes due for payment within 14 days of the official launch date of that club. Please also see Membership Fees, Cancellation of Membership and Transfers sections of our Terms and Conditions 

Members who are deemed to have, or attempted to setup a competitive networking company, organisation, clubs, groups, events ( face2face or online) to BoB Connections will have their membership terminated immediately and they will have no right any refund.

Area Coordinators - the above refunds policy only applies to members, it does not apply to Area Coordinators who pay a one time only, non refundable payment, which covers email setup and system configuration, the cost of online training to use the online Administration and Marketing System

The above Refunds Policy superseeds all previous versions 

© BoB Connections Ltd